The Center for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship offers funding to faculty and undergraduate students in the form of grants (materials and travel), fellowships, the Summer Scholars Program, and other awards.

CURS Grants

Grants are offered twice per year (Fall and Spring) in support of faculty-led undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activity. Faculty and students in all academic disciplines are encouraged to submit proposals. 

Grants proposals are accepted August 1- 31 and January 1- 31 each year.

  • Materials Grant: Faculty only; Requests should not exceed $1000 
  • Travel Grant: Students and Faculty; Requests should not exceed $1000 

Learn more about CURS GRANTS


Summer Scholars Program

The Summer Scholars Program (SSP) is a research intensive experience for faculty and students over the
summer term. Faculty mentor and guide undergraduate students over 5 or 9 weeks through research and scholarship, culminating in symposium presentation to faculty and peers. SSP recipients receive student stipends, funding towards materials/supplies, and the cost of a research poster. Please note that housing is not

Summer Scholars Faculty Applications are accepted November 1 - Janurary 5 each year.

Summer Scholars Student Applications are accpeted February 1- 28 each year.

Learn more about CURS SSP

SSP logo


Undergraduate Research Fellowships

CURS offers three undergraduate fellowships open to all undergraduate students pursuing research outside of the classroom and under the guidance of a scholarly mentor:

  • Community Impact Fellowship: $1000 for a student investigating issues of local or global concern that can improve our community.
  • Fellowship for Enhancing Equity and Diversity: $1000 supports a student investigating issues of groups experiencing discrimination.
  • International Researcher Fellowship: $2000 awarded to student(s) who are conducting research abroad.

Undergraduate Fellowships are open for application beginning in September 1 through October 15 for the academic year; students must be enrolled and engaged in the research in Spring term.

Learn more about CURS Fellowships

Distinctions in Research

Student researchers are eligible to apply for the following designations to be awarded at graduation. The Distinction in Research and Distinction of Excellence in Research are awarded by the Center for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship to recognize student’s active engagement in the process of discovery, investigation, and innovation above and beyond the baccalaureate degree. These designations will be listed on the eligible students' academic transcripts.  Research Honor cords (in lavender) are provided to those who apply and achieve the Distinction in Research award. The Honor cord and a medallion will be provided to those who apply and achieve the Distinction of Excellence in Research.

Application Deadlines:

  • Fall Graduation: December 1st 
  • Spring Graduation (Early Decision): March 10th 
  • Spring Graduation: April 15th 

Please see the eligibility criteria and start your path towards these prestigious awards.

Learn more about eligibility for distinctions in research

Faculty Awards

Faculty mentoring is a very important part of undergraduate research. We value the time, effort, and energy put into guiding students through the discovery process.  Student are encouraged to recognize and show their appreciation by nominating a mentor for one of the following awards.

Learn more about faculty Mentor awards

Additional Sources of Funding for Research

Student Translational Research Program

Deadline to apply: typically late September
Funded by the AU Provost's Office to encourage research, scholarship, and creative activities by students. 20 vouchers up to $1000 each for meritorious activities.

Student Government Association (SGA)
Open to various requests including travel and research expenses. 

Pamplin Student Research Travel Grant 
Supports faculty mentored student research.Fall and Spring semester awards.

Contact the Dean of Research in your college (Pamplin College or College of Science and Math). 

College of Science and Mathematics Student Research Travel Grant (PSRT)
Faculty or Students (under faculty guidance) may apply for funding to support research and
scholarly activities that are specifically marked for student expenses. Three funding cycles: fall,
spring, and summer.