The Georgia Cancer Center is proud to provide Patient- and Family-Centered Care inside our Outpatient Services clinic, the Georgia Radiation Center, the Children’s Hospital of Georgia and multiple areas inside the main Augusta University Health Center. However, our passion and our work does not stop inside the walls of those buildings.
We have a team dedicated to engaging our community and reaching out to churches, businesses, local governments, and other organizations in the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA) and across Georgia. These community web pages offer information to promote healthy, active lifestyles and ways to access cancer educational materials and resources. Our cancer information and education materials and resources are free and downloadable for use at health and wellness events, in the classroom, in the workplace, or as handouts at other gatherings.
When you download any documents on this page that are copyright materials of the Georgia Cancer Center, you agree to the following:
Our trademarks may never be used in any manner likely to cause confusion or dilute the Georgia Cancer Center's brand and/or as a source of endorsement for any product or service not authorized or supplied by Georgia Cancer Center. You may reproduce (in hard copy only), distribute (at no charge) and publicly display the educational materials. Georgia Cancer Center expressly reserves all other rights.
Cancer Information and Awareness
Maryclaire Regan, MPH
Community Program Coordinator
Nyree Riley
Community Outreach Coordinator
The Community Outreach and Engagement team prepares presentations and serves as guest speakers about the different forms of cancer and ways to reduce risks of developing the disease. We can create exhibits and displays to share at community health fairs, industry sponsored events, or faith-based events. We provide written materials to increase awareness about the different types of cancer and how people can promote prevention in their life and the lives of their family members and friends.
Consider sharing cancer-related health information with your employees, congregation or another community group! To request a speaker or Georgia Cancer Center's participation at your community event or health fair in the greater Augusta area, contact us via email or by calling 706-721-8353 or 706-721-4539. We also have a Presentation or Exhibitor Request Form [PDF] you can complete online.
The C Word newsletter is a monthly news brief intended for distribution to faith-based communities, community organizations and other businesses to share with your constituencies and employees via print and social media platforms. Each months’ newsletter focuses on a specific cancer or cancers, specifically as follows:
The Cancer Education Video PSA Interdisciplinary Collaboration at Augusta University began in 2013 as a vehicle to engage communication students in informing their peers about the new tobacco-free campus requirements, when the Georgia Health Sciences University and Augusta State University merged. Subsequently, the interdisciplinary collaboration between the Georgia Cancer Center and the AU Department of Communication has featured many cancer-related topics relevant to young adults.