The Cancer Education Video PSA Interdisciplinary Collaboration at Augusta University began in 2013 as a vehicle to engage communication students in informing their peers about the new tobacco-free campus requirements, when the Georgia Health Sciences University and Augusta State University merged. Subsequently, the interdisciplinary collaboration between the Georgia Cancer Center and the AU Department of Communication has featured many cancer-related topics relevant to young adults.
The collaboration’s cancer-topic assignment has been integrated into video production, television production, video editing, multi-media production, and health communications undergraduate courses. Hundreds of students have participated. Beginning in 2014, the entire AU campus and the public have opportunities to vote for their “Audience Favorite” video, helping to extend the assignment and health-related message outside of the classroom.
Christine O'Meara, MA, MPH
Health Sciences Campus
GCC - M. Bert Storey Research Building
1410 Laney Walker Blvd., CN-1179D, Augusta, GA 30912
(706) 721-8353
“I thought they [vapes] were a 'healthier alternative' when, in fact, they are definitely not.”
“Being able to share my uncle’s story and just learning more about how tobacco use affects you.”
The Video PSA competition evolved naturally to recognize student-produced videos of
outstanding caliber. It is a vehicle to recognize students’ creativity, talent, and
exceptional work. The award categories reinforce both storytelling and the application
of video production skills. A panel of judges comprised of content experts, communications
and video-production professionals, and faculty assess all of the video submissions.
Judges apply objective criteria and select videos worthy of merit. Consensus is fundamental
to the winnowing and selection process.
The Video Competition culminates in a semesters’ end Awards Ceremony to show case winning videos, to enable producers to convey remarks about their experience, and to present certificates and prizes. The competition helps incentivize students, increases engagement, raises awareness, and adds an element of excitement. Students incorporate the videos and their awards into their portfolios. The competition elevates the video production assignment. It is assimilated into the lore of the Communication Department.
Periodically the judges’ panel adds other award categories such as Humor/Comedy, Best Animation, Special Effects, Cinematography, and Special Merit based on the quality and characteristics of the video submissions. Currently core awards include:
Best Message/Representation of Theme
The Best Message/Representation of the Theme emphasizes the given topic with an emphasis on conveying information accurately and clearly.
Storytelling/Storyline Originality
The Storytelling / Storyline Originality Award spotlights the creativity, imagery, and conveyance of the theme’s narrative and visual depiction.
The Videography Award distinguishes the technical aspects of pre-production (planning and logistics), production (composing camera shots, acting, and execution), and post-production (editing, and mixing).
The comedic video makes people laugh, provokes joy and entertains. It creates an emotional connection between the health topic and the viewer through storytelling.
Harmonic Convergence
The Harmonic Convergence Award combines all components of the message content, character development, videography, sound, and editing into a product that emerges as the best overall.
Spring 2023
It's an unfortunate fact, nearly every organ in the body is harmed by smoking and tobacco. About one-third (or 30%) of cancers could be prevented if people did not use tobacco products or breathe secondhand smoke.
Fall 2022
Alcohol use is the third leading modifiable risk factor that increases cancer risk. Drinking alcohol is associated with seven types of cancer. Even less than one drink per day of any type of alcohol increases the risk of multiple common cancers including breast, head and neck, and esophageal cancers.
Spring 2022
Smoking and Vaping make COVID-19 worse. According to the American Lung Association, our lungs rely on the normal defenses in our airways to keep bacteria and viruses from getting a foothold.
Fall 2021
Research suggests restricting access to flavored tobacco products may be one intervention to slow the tobacco epidemic, including among vulnerable groups including young women and racial and/or ethnic minorities.
Spring 2021
According to the American Lung Association, our lungs rely on the normal defenses in our airways to keep bacteria and viruses from getting a foothold.
Voting underway for student films about colorectal cancer
A group of Augusta University students want to educate you about colorectal cancer. Your job, decide which student created the best video to make their goal a reality.
Partnership and a PSA give students real-life experience
A class project turning students into filmmakers shows how powerful partnerships between Augusta University’s Summerville and Health Sciences Campuses can be.
Winners announced for 2016 Obesity PSA Video Competition
Seven winners chosen in Cancer Center’s 2016 Obesity PSA Video Competition.