Study Enrollment

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Clinical Trial

Identification of TGF beta regulated proteins in aqueous humor

Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness and affects approximately 70 million people worldwide. Our study is working towards identifying proteins that are elevated in the fluid (aqueous humor) inside the eyes of glaucoma patients compared to people without the disease. The study obtains samples of fluid from patients that are already having eye surgery that would otherwise be discarded. The study will also collect blood and tear fluid samples from patients undergoing intraocular surgery in order to compare the protein levels between blood, tears, and aqueous humor. Studying these proteins will help our understanding of glaucoma, potentially leading to more accurate and earlier diagnosis of the disease.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Patients will be recruited if they are undergoing an already-planned intraocular procedure in the AU Eye Clinic.

Contact Information

    Ashok Sharma

    (706) 721-6335