Study Enrollment

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Clinical Trial

Implementing HPV DNA Self-Collection to Increase Rates of Cervical Cancer Screening In Transgender Men

Transgender men often do not get cervical cancer screening at the same rates as other women, despite having a cervix. There are no current guildelines for cervical cancer screening for transgender men. The purpose of this study is to explore barriers to getting cervical cancer screening that transgender men face, and to use self-collected swabs for HPV testing to improve patient comfort and willingness to get necessary screening. Results from this study may be useful in the future for developing guidelines specific to transgender men to ensure that cervical cancer screening is both accessible and comfortable.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Age > 21 for the survey and age >25 for HPV testing Transgender male or gender non-conforming identity You are not eligible for this study if you do not have a cervix You must speak English

Contact Information

    Kelsey Porter

    (706) 721-7591