Study Enrollment

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Clinical Trial

Serum measurement of Donor-derived cell-free DNA (dd-cfDNA) for early detection of allograft rejection in Pediatric Kidney Transplants: A Single Center Experience

AlloSure is a non-invasive blood test that measures donor-derived cell-free DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) an indicator of kidney injury. It helps to assesses organ health by directly measuring the transplanted kidney injury. The tests measures the cell free DNA in blood after the transplant is completed and at future clinic appointments. We hypothesize that routine scrreening for cell free DNA and antibody screenings are effective in the early detection of allograft injury caused by rejection or other factors post kidney transplant. This is an observational study. No changes will be made to patients routine management plan.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Inclusion Criteria: Deceased and Living donor kidney transplant recipients ages 5 to 18 years Patients transplanted on/ after 1st January 2022 at Augusta University Medical Center

Contact Information

    Ahmad Mirza

    (706) 721-0915