Study Enrollment

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Clinical Trial

PREEMPT CRC: Prevention of Colorectal Cancer Through Multiomics Blood Testing

This study is to test a new method for detecting colorectal cancer. It is for people who are going to have a stansard screening colonoscopy and agree to have their blood drawn for the study.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Inclusion 1. Adults ages 45 to 85 years old, inclusive 2. Willing to undergo a Standard of Care screening colonoscopy within 90 days of blood collection 3. Able and willing to provide blood samples per protocol 4. Able to comprehend and willing to sign and date the informed consent document(s) Exclusion 1. Family history of colorectal cancer (1st degree) and/or of certain hereitary gastrointestinal cancer syndromes 2. Personal history of colorectal cancer or adenoma, Infalmmatory bowel disease, cystic fibrosis, symptoms of lower gastrointestinal disease, tranplant patient, recent blood transfusion, any very recent hospitalization for trauma or surgery.

Contact Information

    Kenneth Vega, MD

    706 721-0207