Have any questions? 706-721-6582 or cts@augusta.edu
The purpose of this study is to compare any good and bad effects of adding Atezolizumab to the usual chemotherapy (liposomal doxorubicin) and to the usual chemotherapy with bevacizumab. Atezolizumab is a PD-L1 inhibitor that may allow the immune system to recognize and destroy tumor cells. It is an experimental medication (not approved by the FDA). The addition of Atezolizumab to the usual chemotherapy or the usual chemotherapy with bevacizumab could shrink your cancer but it could also cause side effects. This study will allow the researchers to know whether the different approaches are better, the same, or worse than the usual approach. To be better, the study drugs should increase life by six months or more compared to the usual approach. There will be about 488 people taking part in this study.