You've Got This!

You may be learning from home, but you’re a Jaguar, and with the help of the Academic Success Center, you’ve got this!

Make an appointment with a peer coach at the ASC for some more tricks and tips to maximize your success with online learning!

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Contact Us

Academic Success Center

Summerville Campus

University Hall

Suite #156


Office Hours: 8am-5pm (M-F)
Academic Support: 9am - 5pm (M-F)

How to Succeed

Develop Self-Discipline

If you are enrolled in an asynchronous class – one where you are not meeting at a certain time with anyone – then you should be developing your self-discipline and need to structure your time more intentionally.

  • Create a routine
  • Treat this like a job or an in-person class

Online courses take as much time as face-to-face (F2F) classes. A face-to-face course is 2.5 hours a week in the classroom and at least 5 hours of work outside of class. For working online, that means about 7.5 hours a week for every course. Four courses = at least 30 hours a week. Five courses = 37.5 hours or more. Plan your routine accordingly.

Plan to keep sane

Review your course expectations and make a plan of the term requirement. The key point is to review and assess so you are on track and prepared for the term.

Hybrid classes are not all structured the same way. You need to review your syllabi and plan for your time at least until your first exams. 

Manage your time

Create a calendar. Include due dates, scheduled exams, and any required activities for all courses. Keep track of everything—you don't want any surprises. Add D2L class time, reading, working on assignments and group projects. Don't forget library time, homework, and study/review time.

Time Management Resources

Maintain Focus

Distractions are everywhere! And no, you can't multitask effectively.

Develop a routine. A good routine includes breaks and stop points as well as goals and tasks. The Study Cycle is 60 minutes for a reason. This stuff works. When you are "in class" try to ignore email, television, video games and so on.