The AU Data Portal is Augusta University's platform for presenting actional data to institutional leadership. 

Data in the portal is represented in various filterable dashboards and reports with information coming from AU's data warehouse, a reporting database refreshed nightly from authoritative source systems like Banner, PeopleSoft HR, InfoEd, and others. 

Please note that results on this site may differ from reports run against systems of record during the day. 

AU Facts

Please visit AU Facts for official data for use in presentations and reports.

AU Analytics

Please visit AU Analytics for data and analysis to support planning and decision-making. 

Need Access?

Existing supervisory users can request access for faculty and staff via email to

*Senior leadership, deans, chairs, and relevant data stewards automatically receive access appropriate to their institutional roles.


Acceptable Use Agreement

By signing into the AU Data Portal, you agree to use the platform for internal analyses and management. You also agree that this information will not be publicly released, published, or presented, as it may be considered proprietary or sensitive and should be handled in accordance with AU policies and procedures. If you have questions about this information or its acceptable use, please contact Institutional Research.


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