Radiation is used in laboratories for various reasons, including medical research, materials analysis, and scientific experimentation.

The Radiation Saftey Office enforces strict safety measures to ensure the responsible and secure use of radiation within the lab environment. Radiation safety training is a must for all personnel who work with research irradiators, ionizing radiation, and other radioactive materials.

Other services the RSO offers: Guidelines for lab safety, including procedures for radiation spill cleanup, waste disposal, and receipt of packages and weekly contamination surveys. Specific radiation safety forms are also provided by our office. If you have any questions about radiation in research, please contact us for more information.

Laboratory Safety Rules Radiation Safety Manual

Contact Us

Radiation Safety Office

Health Sciences Campus

Environmental Health & Safety Building




Radiation Safety Tech:

Campus Emergency:

Lab Safety

Radiation Spills

 What to do if you have a radiation spill in your laboratory.

Receipt of Packages

 Information on receiving packaged radioactive materials.

Laboratory Surveys

Guide for Principal Authorized Users to perform weekly contamination surveys.