The radiation worker who is responsible for a spill, is also responsible for decontamination. It is the responsibility of any individual who works with radioactive materials to have a basic understanding of decontamination principles.

Environmental Health & Safety is not authorized to clean up radioactive spills. Emergency procedures shall be posted in all radioactive material laboratories. 

Major Spill Response

Equal to or greater than 1 millicurie.

  1. Stop work.
  2. Warn others.
  3. Isolate the spill.
  4. Keep potentially contaminated personnel nearby for follow-up.
  5. Keep uninvolved people out of area until cleanup or appropriate measures are completed.
  6. Call the Radiation Safety Office for assistance: 706-721-9826, after hours number: 706-664-8607


Minor Spill Response

Less than 1 millicurie

  1. Stop work.
  2. Warn others.
  3. Isolate the spill.
  4. Keep uninvolved people out of area until cleanup is complete.
  5. Complete decontamination.
  6. Document the contamination level post-cleanup.
  7. Notify the Radiation Safety Office: 706-721-9826, after hours number: 706-664-8607


Radiation Safety Office Response Actions

  1. Supervise cleanup or restriction of area until emergency no longer exists.
  2. Verify that the area is decontaminated.
  3. Follow-up on potentially contaminated personnel.
  4. Notify regulatory agencies if necessary.

Contact Us

Radiation Safety Office

Health Sciences Campus

Environmental Health & Safety Building




Radiation Safety Tech:

Campus Emergency: