Please review the Funding policies (and complete acknowledgement) before filling out
a funding request. If your request does not adhere to the policies, it will be denied.
Please make sure to fill out the correct form.
Email for any funding-related queries.
General Funding Policies
- GSGA divides its budget to financially support students and organizations throughout
the semester. Each month will have an individual set amount allocated for approval
of student travel, student organization events, and GSGA events. The budget for each
semester will be presented and confirmed via majority vote by GSGA representatives
at the first meeting of the semester (August and January).
- Submitting the funding request form does not guarantee funds; it depends on available
funds and adherence to policy qualifications. Funding can only be guaranteed once
the funding request has been approved by the Comptroller and all forms are submitted
in a timely manner.
- If any funds were not used within a given month, these funds will roll over to the
next month.
Within each month, GSGA will be approving funding requests on a first come, first
served basis.
All funding requests must be submitted:
At least 1 week before the beginning of the month of the event AND 2 weeks prior to
the event/travel date.
If not submitted 1 week prior to the beginning of the month, the request still must
be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the event or travel date. Priority will still
be on a first come, first served basis.
- If there are any clarifications needed or potential issues with a request, ensure
the funding submission is well in advance of the “2 week prior to event date” deadline
or risk a denial of request.
- All funding is based on a reimbursement basis.
GSGA does not complete the reimbursement process. It must be processed by the appointed
business specialist. Please keep in mind that reimbursement may take up to a few months
once all forms are correctly submitted. Once the reimbursement process begins, all
reimbursement related questions should be directed to the Business Operations Specialist.
Please contact your class representatives with any other questions.
- The comptroller will follow up regarding your funding request in no more than 10 business days. Please submit your funding request accordingly.
- You may not submit a request to be reimbursed for an event or travel after it has
taken place.
- Funding may only be used for the requestor. Any food, transportation, living arrangements,
fees, etc. must all be paid for and used only by the student requesting funding. If
the requestor’s name only is not present on all receipts or funding documents, the
requestor will be at risk for forfeiting funds.
- After funding has been approved by the GSGA, you have up to 10 business days to submit
all paperwork to the appointed Business Specialist once the travel has been completed.
If the process of submitting your paperwork has not started within 10 business days,
your approval for funds will be waived. If incorrect and/or untimely paperwork is
submitted after 10 days, then your approval for funds will be forfeited. Untimely,
disorganized, or consistently incorrect paperwork will be determined by the appointed
Business Specialist.
- The business specialist has a right to her reimbursement timeline and requirements.
- If there is an additional funding source other than GSGA funds then the funding reimbursement
process may occur through an external department. Please ensure you fill out the form
accurately in regards to if there are other funding sources. Not disclosing all funding
sources may result in a revocation of funding.
- Requests must be made for events and travel that will be taking place in the same
academic semester. Exceptions can be made for travel/events occurring in the first
week of each semester.
- GSGA reserves the right to allocate funding as it deems appropriate to students and
organizations based on available funds. Meeting the Funding policy qualifications
deems you eligible to receive funding but does not guarantee it.
- Any incorrect or false or undetailed information on the funding request form may result
in revocation of funding.
- All Student Activity Fund uses must adhere to the Business Procedures Manual of the
University System of Georgia. The most up-to-date requirements can be found here.
Funding Dates and Deadlines:
Organization/Event Funding Policies:
- GSGA encourages registered student organizations to plan their events in advance,
in order to increase the chances of receiving funding for a particular month.
- Registered organizations must submit individual funding requests for each event.
- All events must be in JagLife (Presence) and you will need to use a checkpoint to
have students put in their ID numbers to keep a roster for your events. For questions
regarding JagLife or becoming a registered student organization please contact
Events and rosters not in Jag Life will not be eligible for reimbursement.
- Registered student organization can receive funds as follows:
- Amount to be requested per individual events up to $200.
- Maximum reimbursement per semester - $400
- Maximum reimbursement per academic year - $800
- Registered organizations can request funding for different events that are held in
the same month.
- Registered organizations are allowed and are encouraged to team up with other registered
organizations to receive funds for the same event. However, each organization must
submit an individual funding request for the same event.
- A maximum of $10 per student is allowed for event reimbursements. A large difference
in students estimated to attend the event and students that actually attended the
event may result in revocation of funding. Please estimate event attendance accordingly.
- Estimated invoice(s) and/or order form(s) must be submitted in the funding request.
The predicted order cost must not differ greatly from the actual order cost A large
difference in the order or utilization of funds may result in revocation of funding.
Please estimate the event funding utilization accordingly.
- All events must be open to all students.
- GSGA funds can only be used for students. They cannot be used for faculty or members
of the community.
- There must be an acknowledgement of GSGA for flyers and/or other advertising made
for the event. The flyer must be sent in during the reimbursement process.
Travel Funding Policies:
- All student travel requests must be submitted individually, group/organization requests
are not accepted.
- Proof of author or presenter status and acceptance must be provided upon request.
- Students must request at least two other funding sources prior to receiving GSGA funding.
Students must provide proof upon request.
- Proof of costs must be uploaded in the Funding Request.
- Proofs may include but are not limited to:
Registration Cost, Hotel Cost, Travel Cost, Meal Costs, etc.
- Student travel funding request reimbursement is as follows:
- Up to $100 for poster or oral presentations if another funding source is used (must
be first author/presenter). Please note as we previously stated, funding will still
be prioritized for students that do not have other funding sources.
- Up to $150 for attending
- Up to $250 for poster and oral presentations (must be first author/presenter)
- Students may receive up to $400 in total travel reimbursement per semester, and thus
$800 per year.
- The standard rate for food reimbursement is contingent upon the area/city/state of
where the traveler is traveling to. These rates can be found in the GSA here.
- Gas mileage is reimbursed at the rate of 0.655 per/mile.
Journal Publication Policies:
- There must be no other department/mentor willing to cover journal submission fees
to receive funds.
- 2 proofs of request for funding from other sources must be provided upon request.
- GSGA must be notified before journal submission.
- Proof of acceptance into the Journal must be provided.
- Journal must be accessible to all and does not require a monetary subscription to
- There must be an acknowledgment of GSGA for funds in the acknowledgment section of
the paper.
- First author on the publication can be reimbursed up to $200; second through third
authors can be reimbursed up to $100.