Jingsi Teng


Jingsi Teng


Academic Appointment(s)

Pamplin College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
Department of History, Anthropology and Philosophy



Dr. Jingsi Teng’s research focuses on applied ethics with a particular emphasis on environmental ethics. She is especially interested in the idea of long-term climate justice — that is justice for people who will be born long after we have died. Her dissertation addresses problems of grounding and calibrating the harm-making features of long-term climate change effects, mainly concerning distant future people over the coming centuries. She primarily teaches undergraduate level philosophy courses in critical thinking, ethics, and philosophy in general.

  • Allgood Hall E-352


  • Ph.D., Philosophy University of Tennessee - Knox, 2024

  • MPHIL, Philosophy Wuhan University, 2018

  • BPHIL, Philosophy Wuhan University, 2015

Courses Taught Most Recent Academic Year

  • PHIL 2030H

    Honors: Intro to Ethics
  • PHIL 2020

    Intro to Critical Thinking
  • PHIL 2030

    Intro to Ethics
  • PHIL 2010

    Intro to Philosophy

Teaching Interests

Applied Ethics, Environmental Justice, Social & Political Philosophy, Logic