Daitoku Sakamuro
Associate Professor
Academic Appointment(s)
Medical College of Georgia
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
The Graduate School
Department of The Graduate School
I obtained a Ph.D. degree at Osaka Univ. in biochemistry and cancer (Prof. N. Taniguchi) and was trained as a postdoc at Wistar Inst In molecular genetics (Dr. G.C. Prendergast).
Ph.D., Physiology, General
Osaka University, 1991
MS, Biochemistry
Nagoya University, 1986
BS, Biochemistry
Nagoya University, 1984
Awards & Honors
2011 Biotech (BIO) Humanitarian Award nominee
The LCRC Special Award
Cancer-Related Research Article Published in a Journal with the Highest Impact, 2011
The Chancellor’s Notes
The Best Grant Proposal Award
Stanley S. Scott Cancer Center, 2010
Courses Taught Most Recent Academic Year
Teaching Interests
I am interested in mentoring young talented minds in a research laboratory and also lecturing undergraduate/graduate levels in didactic courses by asking and discussing lots of intellectually challenging questions.
Selected Recent Publications
- Viral Particle-Mediated SAMHD1 Depletion Sensitizes Refractory Glioblastoma to DNA-Damaging Therapeutics by Impairing Homologous Recombination, 2022
Journal Article, Academic Journal
- New Synthetic Lethality Re-Sensitizing Platinum-Refractory Cancer Cells to Cisplatin In Vitro: The Rationale to Co-Use PARP and ATM Inhibitors, 2021
Journal Article, Academic Journal
- c-MYC, PARP1 and BIN1 as targets for therapy of cancer cell resistanc, 2015
- Restoration of tumor-suppressor functions by small molecule inhibitors, 2015
- Role of BIN1 in double-stranded DNA break repair, 2015
Research Interests
I am interested in the mechanisms through which cancer cells acquire resistance to genotoxic stresses. An ultimate goal is to establish a strategy to enhance therapeutic benefits of conventional chemotherapy.
Professional Service
Scientifica (Cell Biology)
2012 - Present
Role: Other
1999 - Present
Role: Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer
BBA (Gene Structure & Expression)
1999 - Present
Role: Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer
Cancer Research
1999 - Present
Role: Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer
1999 - Present
Role: Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer