General expectations and guidelines:

  • Show up on time for rounds, (check with the chief resident on the service for specific time for rounds or pre-rounds);
  • Show interest, do some ground work prior to presenting your patient;
  • Ask pertinent questions, if you don't know, ask;
  • Provide the best answer possible when asked, take a stand and be able to back it up. NO FENCE SITTING! (remember, those who sit on the fence get shot at from both sides);
  • Read the first chapter of the ATLS manual (Initial Assessment and Management);
  • Assist with updating and maintaining the “list” of current inpatients, located on the ICU computer;
  • Assist the team with daily clinical activities, such as rounding on patients, obtaining examinations, lab results and clinic,
  • Be present in the OR and scrub on any case that is to be performed (unfortunately, cases are not abundant on the trauma service so this needs to be a high priority). Assist as needed and requested in the trauma resuscitation room:
  • Perform primary and secondary survey on at least one patient in the trauma resuscitation room who is non-critical before the end of your rotation. When the student performs the primary and secondary survey, they present the patient on morning rounds;
  • Assist with all invasive procedures, including chest tubes, central lines, etc. as time and availability permit. No matter how trivial, all procedures must ALWAYS be supervised;
  • Follow between two to four patients at any one time as if they were on your own private service. It is the responsibility of the student to report on the patient's progress and overnight events to the team during rounds. Whenever possible, the student should be intimately involved with formulating the patient's treatment plan, evaluating him/her for common post-traumatic complications, counseling him/her on injuries, developing a discharge plan, and delivering instructions to him/her and the family at the time of discharge;
  • Attend and participate in Trauma clinic. Pick up the charts in the trauma administrative office and bring them to clinic on Tuesday and Wednesday. Pick up a patient in clinic, evaluate patient and present your assessment and plan of care to attending;
  • You are not required to take call during this rotation and will not be issued a trauma pager.

Recommended reading/text:

  • Initial Assessment (required and provided for use while on service)
  • Kinematics of Trauma, Norman E. McSwain, Jr. (required and provided)
  • The Trauma Manual, Lippincott-Reven Publishers (recommended not required)