Please join us for our annual Moretz Surgical Society Conference at Augusta University in Augusta, Georgia.
Friday, February 28, 2025
12:00pm | Registration Opens
J. Harold Harrison, MD Education Commons, 1301 R.A. Dent Blvd, Augusta, GA 30901 |
1:00pm | Welcome, Renee Hilton-Rowe, MD , President-Moretz Surgical Society, Chief, Minimally Invasive Surgery, MCG |
Medical Student Research: Battle of the Campuses! Judges: Dean David Hess, MD, Jennifer Tucker, MD, and Leila Stallworth, MD |
Wellstar Marietta Campus | |
1:05pm | Stephanie Hayes, M4, Standardization of Sleeve Gastrectomy Technique-A Quality Improvement Project |
MCG Northeast Campus | |
1:12pm | Michelle Patel, M4, Outcomes of Catheter-Directed Thrombolysis: A 10-Year Single Institution Retrospective Review |
1:19pm | Brenna Martin, M4, Racial Disparities in Hormone Receptor Positivity and Prognostic Features in Breast Cancer in Rural Georgia |
MCG Southeast Campus | |
1:26pm | Kaitlyn Tice, M4, The Impact of Remote Interviews on Residency Choice for MCG Students |
MCG Southwest Campus | |
1:33pm | Luke Guy, M4, Factors Associated with Surgery Refusal in Patients with Stage I-III Esophageal Cancer |
MCG Augusta Campus | |
1:40pm | Cameron Jackson, M4, Assessing General Surgery Resident Proficiency in Robotic Surgery |
1:47pm | Christina Bae, M4, Does Surgery Improve Outcomes in Metastatic Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GISTs) in All Sites? |
1:54pm | Malek Moumne, M4, Factors Associated with Refusal of Surgery in Stage I-III Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma and Their Effect on Survival |
2:05pm | Break |
2:15pm | Surgical Jeopardy: Andrew Lawson, DO, Medical Director, SICU, Critical Care Fellowship Program Director |
General Surgery Residency Research Competition | |
2:45pm | Ankit Dhiman, MBBS, PGY-3, Prognostic Implications of Somatic KRAS Mutations in Patients Undergoing Curative Resections with Stage I-IIIA NSCLC |
2:52pm | Zackery Aldaher, DO, PGY-2 Needs Assessment to Develop an Interactive Trauma Simulation Curriculum for the Rural Trauma Team |
2:59pm |
Emily Hammond, MD, PGY-4, Creating a Multidisciplinary Adrenal Center: 5 Year Review |
3:06pm |
Richard Tudela Aldan, MD, PGY-2, Peripheral Artery Aneurysms in Marfan Syndrome: Beyond the Aorta |
3:13pm |
Melissa Easley, MD, Research Resident, Outcomes and Inequalities in Bariatric Surgery by Socioeconomic Status |
3:20pm |
Gabrielle Moore, MD, Research Resident, Multi-Disciplinary, Simulation-Based Massive Transfusion Protocol Curriculum |
3:27 pm |
Anthony Campbell, MD, Research Resident, Ex Vivo Hypothermic Oxygenated Perfusion (HOPE) System Enables Extended Preservation Time: Cellular And Molecular Insights in a Porcine Model |
3:34pm | Brittany Fields, MD, Research Resident, CA19-9 Normalization and Yield of Laparoscopy After Neoadjuvant Therapy for Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma |
3:45pm |
Closing Remarks/Adjourn |
6:30pm |
Dinner at Marion Hatcher Center 519 Greene Street Augusta, GA 30901 |
Saturday, March 1, 2025
7:15am | Breakfast |
7:55am | Welcome, Renee Hilton-Rowe, MD, President-Moretz Surgical Society, President-Moretz Surgical Society, Chief, Minimally Invasive Surgery, MCG |
8:00am | Robert Nesbit, MD, Charles H. Wray, MD, FACS: MCG Surgeon |
8:20am |
Arlie R. Mansberger, Jr., MD Lecture Julie A. Freischlag, MD, FACS, FRCSEd (Hon), DFSVS, MAMSE, Leadership in Surgery |
9:20am | Break |
9:35am | Andrew Soo Hoo, MD, Assistant Professor, Division of Vascular Surgery, Paging Vascular Surgery STAT |
10:05am | MCG Surgery Graduates, Class of 2017: Alumni Spotlight...Where Are They Now?
Aaron Bolduc, MD, Andrew Lawson, DO, Aleta Paschal, MD, Kayla Smith, MD, and Nathaniel Walsh, MD |
10:45am | Break |
11:00am | Department Update, William D. Jordan Jr., MD, Chair, Department of Surgery, MCG |
11:30am | Research Panel: Research During Residency...Time Well Spent?
Moderators: William D. Jordan Jr., MD, Renee Hilton-Rowe, MD and Alicia Huff-Arnold, DO Melissa Easley, MD, Gabrielle Moore, MD, Anthony Campbell, MD, Brittany Fields, MD, and Benjamin Pitt, MD |
12:00pm |
Lunch |
1:00pm |
Sam Richwine, MD Lecture Lloyd Nanhekhan, MD, Dynamic Reconstruction of Complex Abdominal Wall Defects with the Pedicled Innervated Vastus Lateralis and Anterolateral Thigh PIVA Flap and Limiting the Fascia Incision Length in DIEP Flap: Repercussion on Abdominal Wall Morbidity |
1:45pm | Swadha Guru, MD, Assistant Professor, Division of Surgical Oncology, Colorectal Surgery: Improving Outcomes with Robotic Surgery |
2:15pm | Jeffrey Rogers, MD, Professor, Division of Transplant Surgery, Molecular Diagnostics in Kidney Transplantation |
2:45pm | Business Meeting |
Adjourn | |
Augusta Country Club 655 Milledge Road Augusta, GA 30904 (Cocktail Attire) |
6:30pm |
Cocktail Hour |
7:30pm |
Reception |
We are grateful to those that have already registered for the Moretz Surgical Society Conference this year. | ||||
Dr. Alicia Arnold | Dr. Erin Switzer | Dr. David Zabel | Dr. Aaron Bolduc | Dr. Gautam Agarwal |
Dr. Terence O'Keeffe | Dr. Kathryne Holmes | Dr. Daniel Milgrom | Dr. William Jordan | Dr. Swadha Guru |
Dr. Renee HIlton-Rowe | Ms. Stephanie Hayes | Dr. Janie Mckenzie | Dr. America Revere | Ms. Christina Bae |
Dr. Bashir Koko | Dr. Jeff Rogers | Ms. Michelle Patel | Ms. Cameron Jackson | Dr. Erika Mabes |
Dr. James St. Louis | Mr. Luke Guy | Dr. Angella Lin | Mr. Christopher Vakkur | Dr. Ankit Dhiman |
Dr. Danny Yakoub | Ms. Brenna Martin | Dr. Emily Hammon | Dr. Bao-Ling Adam | Dr. Andrew Lawson |
Dr. Phillip Ham | Mr. Malek Moumne | Dr. Paul Brock | Ms. Hannah Wilkey | Dr. Davis O'Brien |
Dr. Mikenzie Sturdevant | Dr. David Rivera | Ms. Mahima Sangtani | Dr. Natallie Domingue | Dr. Austin Graf |
Dr. Gabrielle Moore | Ms. Betsy Bartholf | Ms. Sangmin Kim | Dr. AJ Soo Hoo | Dr. Lloyd Nanhekhan |
Dr. Julie Freischlag |
Crowne Plaza Hotel
1060 Center Street, North Augusta, SC 29841
MCG Surgery Annual Meeting
Megan Mumford
1120 15th Street, Augusta, GA, 30912
BI 4076