
The MCG Faculty Senate recognized the need to address belonging and inclusivity within the College and has established the MCG Belonging and Inclusivity Committee (BIC). The BIC membership should be both reflective of the MCG faculty and the broader community that MCG and Wellstar MCG Health serve..  There will also be 9 committee members (with vote). 


The BIC serves to promote belonging and inclusivity for MCG faculty, staff and advanced provider practitioners on each of its campuses and provide resources related to gainful employment (recruitment, hiring), leadership positions (career advancement), and financial reimbursement (salaries) equality.

Committee Membership

Vanessa Spearman, MD - Chair
Renee Hilton, MD
Sharanjot Saini, PhD
Sarah Spriet, DO
Tianxiang Hu, PhD
Satyanarayana Ande, PhD
Uzondu Agochukwu, MD

April Hartman, MD
Julie Dahl-Smith, MD
Vincent Robinson, MD
Natasha Savage, MD
Garrett Green, EdD
Brennan Francois
Renuka Mehta, MBBS
Vaughn McCall, MD
LaShon Sturgis, PhD
Kathryn Martin, MD
Eric Lewkowiez, MD
Louise Thai, MD
Michael Rollock, PhD
Lara Stepleman, PhD
Richard Camino-Gaztambide, MD
Kimberly Loomer-Vess, MD
Taranjit Arora, MD

Regional Campus Members
Robersteen Howard, MD
Dixon Freeman, MD
Douglas Patten, MD
Malinda Moore
Casey Bassett, PhD - Medical Partnership
Wayne Rentz, MD

Helpful Links

Office of Belonging and Inclusivity

MCG seeks to enhance diversity in its learning environment and address health care inequities in our communities by including members of the following groups in our learning community