The Medical College of Georgia Department of Neurology - Neurocritical Care Division offers a one-year fellowship for advanced practice providers (APPs) in neurocritical care.

The fellowship consists of 12 months of full-time training beginning after satisfactory completion of either an adult-gerontology acute care nurse practitioner or physician assistant program. Graduates of the fellowship program are awarded a certificate of completion.

The Augusta University Medical Center Hospital have multiple certifications including being a Level I trauma center, and TJC Comprehensive Stroke Center.

The Neurocritical Care Division provides primary critical care for complex critical neurological patients. Our APPs are truly integral parts of the Neuro-ICU service, managing the daily care of patients in our unit. Fellows will receive graduated responsibility in the management of these patients as they progress in training.

Critical Care Clinical Experience

Fellows will rotate primarily on the Neuro-ICU, but they will have the opportunity for other ICU rotations (MICU, STICU, etc) and elective service rotations (Nephrology, Cardiology, ID, etc.) designed to enhance their overall education. These rotations provide a foundation of basic critical care management as well as exposure to many aspects of subspecialty care.

On the Neuro-ICU service, fellows will gain experience managing patients with neurological and neurosurgical conditions including acute ischemic stroke, subarachnoid hemorrhage, status epilepticus, traumatic brain injury, etc.

Critical Care Didactics

Informal bedside didactic training is provided by Neuro-ICU attendings and APPs every day.  Formal didactics include dedicated Neuro-ICU APP fellow lectures on a variety of topics, from critical care fundamentals to specific neurological topics.

Neuro-ICU APP Fellows will have the opportunity to perform invasive procedures (venous central lines, arterial lines, lumbar punctures and endotracheal intubation) and learn how to manage critical emergency situations. Additionally, they will learn how to provide compassionate care in terms of family interactions, delivering poor prognosis, and navigating end of life discussions.

Our Desired Candidate

Our ideal candidate is a nurse practitioner (NP) or physician assistant (PA) who has recently finished APP school and has high interest in pursuing a career as a APP intensivist with advanced knowledge in complex neurological conditions (e.g., ICH, SAH, etc.)

We seek a candidate with a good foundation in critical care. Your work experience, clinical rotations, or community projects should demonstrate your desire / commitment to care for this vulnerable patient population.

Your application will be evaluated purely based on the merits using CV, LOR, PS, etc.

How to Apply

The Medical College of Georgia Neurocritical Care APP Fellowship begins on October 1st of each year. Applications will be posted in April of each year and are available through MCG Neurocritical Care webpage. Click the link before the apply.

MCG Neurocritical Care APP Fellowship Application