Formerly known as the Lumin Society, Student Alumni Ambassadors serve as a bridge between the student body and Augusta University alumni. This diverse group brings together students from across all colleges and departments. As an extension of the Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement Department, these student leaders assist with numerous student, alumni and presidential events, and help instill Jaguar pride and tradition around the campus and the community.
This organization is a platform to connect students with distinguished alumni, prospective students and senior leadership at AU. Students will develop leadership skills, prepare for future endeavors and learn more about what the university has to offer. Student Alumni Ambassadors work together to spread the enthusiasm, energy and resources of AU to alumni and students alike while developing a lifelong connection and loyalty to the institution.
Members meet four times per semester and maintain a 2.5 GPA. Interested students should fill out the application form below. You will be asked to submit a letter of recommendation and will be scheduled for an interview.
Have more questions about becoming a Student Alumni Ambassador? Contact Maddy Elledge at