Guangyu Wu


Guangyu Wu


Academic Appointment(s)

Medical College of Georgia
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology

The Graduate School

Department of The Graduate School

  • (706) 721-0999
  • CB 3528


  • Ph.D., Physiology, General Peking Union Medical College, 1994

  • MD, Medicine Xuzhou Medical College, 1988

Courses Taught Most Recent Academic Year

  • PHRM 9020

    Seminar in Pharmacology


Selected Recent Publications

  • Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 Is Produced By Renal Tubular Cells to Act as a Paracrine Factor in Maladaptive Kidney Repair After Cisplatin Nephrotoxicity., 2023
    Journal Article, Academic Journal
  • Non-canonical Golgi-compartmentalized Gβγ signaling: mechanisms, functions, and therapeutic targets., 2023
    Journal Article, Academic Journal
  • Purine synthesis suppression reduces the development and progression of pulmonary hypertension in rodent models., 2023
    Journal Article, Academic Journal
  • The role of G protein conformation in receptor-G protein selectivity., 2023
    Journal Article, Academic Journal
  • ATIC-Associated De Novo Purine Synthesis Is Critically Involved in Proliferative Arterial Disease., 2022
    Journal Article, Academic Journal