Stall Walls are located within the restrooms on the Summerville Campus and Christenberry Fieldhouse, and contain posted flyers. Overseen by Student Life & Engagement, all Stall Wall information requests must be submitted, approved, and posted by this office.

All Stall Wall signage will be posted on Friday afternoons.


Stall Wall Listing

As a campus entity or student organization, you have the ability to submit a request for the Stall Wall Listing. Please follow the guidelines listed below.

Due to space limitations, submission announcements that are relevant over an extended period of time may not run consecutive weeks. In these instances, the submission will run the week the announcement is submitted, the final week of the announcement, and any weeks in between where space is available.  (i.e. fundraiser running from August 1 through September 30: stall wall listing will be included the week of August 1, the week of September 30, and to fill space in all the weeks in between.)