
After you have completed your draft, review and revise your assignment to ensure you have a high quality final product.

Review and revise your assignment

Look at your assignment. Use the questions in “Steps to Revising Your Paper” from OWL at Purdue as a guide for revision. These questions will also work for the content of a speech and the oral part of a presentation. If you respond to any question with a no or an unsatisfactory answer, make the necessary changes to your assignment.

Practice and evaluate your speech/presentation

Now that you have revised your content, you need to practice your speech or oral presentation. You need to be comfortable not only with your content but also with how you sound and appear while giving a speech or oral presentation.  Use this checklist from Hamilton College’s Oral Presentation Center to evaluate yourself. You may also wish to record yourself and watch the video to identify needed changes.

Review you assignment with another person

Assignments tend to make sense in your head, but outside reviewers catch problems with assignments that you might miss. Set up an appointment with the Augusta University Writing Center for an outside opinion on your work. For speeches and presentations, practice in front of a friend for helpful feedback.