The Thomas G. Muldoon Memorial Lectureship was established in 1990 in the Department
of Physiology at the Medical College of Georgia. Created through gifts to the Medical
College of Georgia Foundation, Inc., the lectureship brings outstanding researchers
and distinguished leaders in Physiology to the Augusta University campus. Muldoon
lecturers have the opportunity to share their work and ideas with Medical College
of Georgia researchers and to inspire young investigators and students, providing
a lasting tribute to Dr. Muldoon.
Learn more about Dr. Muldoon's career
Dr. Thomas G. Muldoon was a professor of physiology and endocrinology at the Medical College of Georgia until his death in 1989. Dr. Muldoon earned a doctorate degree in biochemistry from the University of Louisville School of Medicine in 1967 and joined the MCG faculty in 1969 as an assistant professor. He quickly established himself and developed as a leader in the field, resulting in his promotion to an associate professor in 1974 and professor in 1978. Dr. Muldoon played a significant role in establishing the standards of excellence and the national reputation of the Medical College of Georgia in the area of endocrinology.
Dr. Muldoon’s research was primarily focused on estrogen and androgen steroid hormone receptors and their relevance in the areas of reproduction, breast cancer and prostate cancer. He was a co-editor of two books: "Functional Correlates of Hormone Receptors in Reproduction" and "Recent Advances in Fertility Research", and his research endeavor resulted in more than 70 scientific publications that brought Dr. Muldoon international acclaim and recognition.
As a teacher, Dr. Muldoon specialized in courses on the chemistry of steroid hormones and mechanisms of hormone action. The numerous postdoctoral fellows he instructed and seven students, who were awarded the PhD degree in endocrinology under his tutelage, exemplify his inspiring approach to graduate and academic research training. All are now continuing their own careers in the area of endocrinology, illustrating the sound academic research training and direction that Dr. Muldoon provided.
Dr. Muldoon was a chairperson of the Biochemical Endocrinology Study Section of the National Institutes of Health and served as an ad hoc reviewer on the Cancer Center Support Review Committee for the National Cancer Institute. He was a member of the editorial boards of Biology and Reproduction in 1978-1983, Endocrinology in 1981-1985 and the Journal of Steroid Biochemistry in 1986-1989. He presented invited symposium papers at the Ninth World Congress of Fertility and Sterility in 1977, the Seventh International Congress of Hormonal Steroids in 1978, the Sixth International Congress of Endocrinology in 1980, the Tenth World Congress of Fertility and Sterility in 1980, the Seventh and Eighth International Symposia of Future Trends in Chemotherapy in 1986 and 1988, the Fifteenth International Congress of Chemotherapy in 1987 and the Eighth International Symposium of the Journal of Steroid Biochemistry in 1987. He received the Outstanding Faculty Research Award from the School of Medicine in 1980 and was posthumously honored with the School of Graduate Studies Outstanding Faculty Award and the School of Medicine Distinguished Faculty Research Award in 1989.
Dr. Muldoon’s professional society memberships included the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, the Endocrine Society, the Society for the Study of Reproduction, the New York Academy of Sciences and the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, as well as the American Fertility Society, the American Association of University Professors, the American Association for Advancement of Science, the scientific research honor society – Sigma Xi and the national educational fraternity – Phi Lambda Epsilon.