Laboratory Opening, Vacating, Relocating, Closing & Chemical Ownership Transfer




All new researchers are required to complete the following documents and submit them to the Institutional Chemical Safety Committee prior to opening a laboratory, and must participate in the Chemical Inventory Program.

Departmental Managers are required to notify the Chemical Safety Office when:

  • a new researcher is arriving on campus and opening a lab

  • a current researcher is opening a new lab

  • a current researcher is relocating a lab

  • a researcher is leaving Augusta University and is closing his or her lab, transferring ownership of the lab and/or chemicals to another researcher

All researchers who are leaving Augusta University and/or closing his or her laboratory, transferring ownership of the laboratory to another researcher, or transferring his/her chemicals to another researcher must notify the Chemical Safety Office in advance of the change to arrange for clearance of the laboratory and/or transfer of the chemicals. Upon clearance from the Chemical Safety Office, the following form must be completed:


Contact Us

  Health Science Campus (CI-1001)
  1405 Goss Lane, Augusta, GA 30912-7520
  706-721-2663      706-721-9844
  EMERGENCY: 706-721-2911

Note: In the case of a serious injury or life threatening emergency, seek immediate medical attention.