Inclusive Excellence is one of the six core values of the MCG Office for Faculty Success and it is an intentional commitment to faculty success for all. Historically, however, “faculty success for all” has often excluded women and minoritized faculty. Frequently, women experience fewer advancement and leadership opportunities, lower pay, and less access to resources for success.1,2 Although not mentioned as frequently in literature, other groups that are often excluded or allotted inadequate resources or opportunities include LGBTQ and international faculty. Much like women and racially minoritized groups, these faculty are at higher risk for burnout, dissatisfaction, and attrition.3

The MCG Office for Faculty Success strives to address these barriers to career success for those who experience sexual/gender and/or racial/ethnic discrimination. We collect and disseminate literature monthly to department chairs/section chiefs/institute directors and on our social media. Media resources, linked on this page, provide information about the challenges these groups face and suggest ways to facilitate the development and advancement of all faculty. The MCG Office for Faculty Success has sponsored and co-sponsored talks to mitigate career challenges, providing educational tools and resources to create a culture that promotes excellence and success for all.

 It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept,
and celebrate those differences. 

—Audre Lorde

Inclusive Excellence Videos

Confronting Dominant Culture to Create Inclusive Environments & Belonging

Navigating & Overcoming Career Barriers for Women in    Academic Medicine

The Water in Which We Swim: A Discourse on the African American Academic Medical Faculty Experience


LGBTQ Inclusivity
in Academic Medicine



Other MCG OFS Inclusive Excellence Events from our YouTube

Male Allyship
in Academic Medicine

Women in Medicine Month:
Gender & Salary Negotiating the Divide

Women in Medicine Month:
Mothering in Medicine

Women in Medicine Month: Women's Career Progression in Academic Medicine Tackling Imposter Syndrome

2021 Women's Career Development Symposium: Chairs Panel: 30% & Growing

2023 Women's Career Development Symposium: Leadership Panel


Black Women in Medicine: Re-conceptualizing Strength, Coping, & Resiliency

Great Doctors, Great Medicine Since 1828.