Our pediatric ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) perfusionists are an integral part of our cardiothoracic surgical team.

Our highly skilled experts are specifically trained in the field of pediatric cardiovascular circulation. They customize the extracorporeal circulation equipment to the unique needs of each child. This level of care provides optimum circulatory and respiratory support during surgery to help patients withstand the most complex cardiac repair. These advanced medical technologies and circuit customization techniques decrease blood utilization during cardiac surgery.

The Pediatric ECMO team performs a critical role in patient health and overall outcome by assisting the entire congenital heart program. In addition to assisting in the operating room, the team works closely with the medical attending and nurses in the intensive care units for the comprehensive care of ECPR/ ECMO.

Our pediatric ECMO team represents the Augusta University Pediatric Cardiac Program to other cardiac institutions by:

  • Participating in national conferences
  • Providing training to other pediatric cardiac programs
  • Conducting and publishing research

The team is also founder and co-director of  Augusta University’s National Annual Cardiac Conference.