A Message from

Former President Brooks A. Keel (2015-2024)

I am pleased to present Creating a Legacy Like No Other, the next strategic plan for Augusta University. We have made tremendous strides thanks to the work outlined in our previous strategic plan, Beyond Boundaries.

During my presidency, I have had the pleasure of witnessing history-making moments like the creation of the School of Computer and Cyber Sciences, the construction of the Georgia Cyber Center and the new College of Science and Mathematics building, the launch of innovative programs like MCG 3+, our groundbreaking response to the global COVID-19 pandemic and new statewide partnerships transforming our research capabilities and modalities of instruction. But we will not sit complacent by success. There is great opportunity awaiting us.

President Brooks Keel

The Planning Process

Augusta University’s strategic planning process employed integrated methods of planning, resource alignment and assessment in support of the University System of Georgia’s Strategic Plan.


Spring 2021


Summer and Fall 2021


Spring 2022

Team of Champions

Advisory/Steering Team

President's Executive Cabinet

Provides High-Level Direction, Input and Decision Making

Project Leadership

Dr Brooks Keel
Executive Project Sponsor
Brooks Keel
Dr Brooks Keel
Dr Brooks Keel
Project Sponsors
Russell Keen & Neil MacKinnon
Dr Brooks Keel
Project Leader
Mickey Williford
Dr Brooks Keel
IE Planning Support
Brittany Cipollone

Strategic Co-Champions

Dr Brooks Keel
Dr Brooks Keel
Dr. Zach Kelehear & Dr. Ray Whiting
Dr Brooks Keel
Dr Brooks Keel
Dr. Michael Diamond & Scott Thorp
Dr Brooks Keel
Dr Brooks Keel
Dr. Susan Davies & Pam Witter
Dr Brooks Keel
Dr Brooks Keel
Cedric Johnson & Suzanne Tatum
Dr Brooks Keel
Dr Brooks Keel
Eileen Brandon & Kerri Wilson

Interwoven Co-Champions

Dr Brooks Keel
Dr Brooks Keel
Dr. Chris McKinney & Michael Shaffer
Dr Brooks Keel
Dr Brooks Keel
Tina Baggott & Dr. Kathryn Martin
Dr Brooks Keel
Dr Brooks Keel
Dr. Garrett Green & Dr. Tiffany Townsend

Shared Governance Champions

Dr Brooks Keel
Faculty Senate Representative
Dr. Peter Basciano
Dr Brooks Keel
Staff Council Representative
Tiffany Smith
Dr Brooks Keel
Student Government Assoc. Rep.
Dee Mallory
Dr Brooks Keel
Graduate Student Gov. Assoc. Rep.
Chase McIntosh
Dr Brooks Keel
Graduate Student Gov. Assoc. Rep.
Megna Reddy

Stakeholders and Contributors

Helped identify priorities, objectives and actions

Stakeholder engagement remained a priority throughout the strategic planning process. The Strategic Priorities, Distinguishing Objectives and Strategic Actions outlined throughout Creating a Legacy are the result of invaluable feedback gathered from both university and community stakeholders through interviews, focus group sessions, a Town Hall (over 500 attendees) and a stakeholder engagement form on the strategic plan webpage. Augusta University is grateful to those students, faculty, staff, alumni and community members for their contributions to our new strategic plan.

Augusta University Stakeholders:
  • Academic Leaders

  • Alumni Board of Directors

  • Black Faculty and Staff Association

  • Council of Inclusive Excellence Leaders

  • Cultural Student Organization President’s Roundtable

  • Faculty Senate

  • Foundation Board of Trustees

  • Researchers

  • Staff Council

  • Student Advisory Council

  • Student Government Associations

  • Student Organization President’s Roundtable

Community Stakeholders:
  • Augusta Technical College

  • Business and Commerce

  • Chambers of Commerce

  • Donors

  • Faith-Based Organizations

  • Georgia Rural Health Association

  • Government – Local and State Levels

  • Hospitality and Tourism Organizations

  • Non-Profit Organizations

  • U.S. Army

The strategic planning process is evident of collaboration among various teams, and additionally, Augusta University thanks many who contributed to a successful strategic planning process:

  • Division of Communications and Marketing: Led communication and the creative approach

  • Division of Information Technology: Led creation of the strategic planning website and technical support for many stakeholder engagement sessions

  • Division of Institutional Effectiveness: Led the strategic planning process

  • Office of Protocol and Special Events: Managed many stakeholder engagement sessions and led event planning

  • CRANE I Atlanta – an educational planning, strategy, and communications firm: Conducted sessions with university stakeholders and workshops with university leaders to provide a foundation for the strategic planning process

Aspirational Imperatives Defined

Augusta University provides an experience like no other…a world-class academic and social community that is inclusive and diverse and positions students for opportunity and success. Our vision is to be a top-tier university that is a destination of choice for education, health care, discovery, creativity and innovation. We are proud to be a dynamic, comprehensive research university. We strive to implement our mission, vision and core values in every aspect of our university. We have three aspirational imperatives guiding our work as we move into the next phase of our strategic plan. Our progress toward achieving these imperatives will indicate the effectiveness of our strategic actions.

16,000 Students by 2030
Top 60 NIH Ranking by 2030
Carnegie Community Engagement Classification by 2026

Based on the feedback of our stakeholders, five strategic priorities and three interwoven priorities emerged for Creating a Legacy.

Strategic Priorities


A commitment to effective teaching and engaged learning is our long-held mission, supported with an openness to ever-changing methods, fresh courses, modern facilities, evolving degree programs and innovative collaborations — plus hands-on, real-world, whole-hearted instruction that expands impact and access and creates an educational experience like no other.


Research takes prominence by taking place everywhere and among everyone: in wet labs and archives, with senior investigators and sophomore classes, in our health care facilities and our community. Our research works to expand knowledge, express ideas, enhance teaching, cure cancer, prevent cyberattacks and more.

Student Success

We are committed to ambitious enrollment growth and dedicated to channeling unprecedented resources, resolve, programming and processes into the extraordinary growth of each of our students: intellectually and culturally, critically and creatively, professionally and personally, individually and relationally.


We strive to foster community on our campus and far beyond, cultivating a new town/gown dynamic that eclipses expectations; fuels both university and community growth; and generates reciprocity, respect, trust, opportunity and authentic goodwill across our campuses, our city, our region and our state.


Augusta University is determined to build a culture of greater philanthropy and financial sustainability. More importantly, we are dedicated to building authentic relationships with alumni from all eras; benefactors from across the city, the state and the region; and career contributors who are working, building and giving right here on our campus.


Interwoven Priorities


Augusta University is grounded in ― but not tethered by ― tradition, and well-prepared to embrace change in academic programming, campus life, enrollment growth, community relationships and beyond.


As Augusta University’s fields, colleges and campuses coalesce further into a cohesive community and a coherent university, the staff, faculty, administrators and students of Augusta University move intentionally toward greater stewardship of shared resources and values and a stronger sense of citizenship and belonging.


A multifaceted, interdisciplinary mission to make all people’s lives better begins with building a learning community that is reflective of the world we wish to serve.

Guiding Principles

  • Prioritize students and patients

  • Center efforts on our mission, vision and values

  • Build on past successes and current priorities

  • Promote engagement and participation

  • Streamline the strategic planning process

  • Set an ambitious trajectory with a strategic mindset

  • Foster transparency and inclusivity

  • Celebrate diversity

  • Commit to developing relationships

  • Align planning and actions to resources

  • Define measurable outcomes

  • Prepare for implementation

Creative Approach

To bring the boldness of the plan to life visually, the seal has been divided to represent each strategic priority. The seal is our most formal visual representation of the university, so the deliberate deconstruction of the mark echoes the courage of our next strategic plan.

Learning symbol

The outside ring of the seal symbolizes the encompassing efforts of our educational mission. The past and future of the university are represented by the sundial markings.

Discovery Symbol

Defining the future, but continuing a legacy, the pediment and columns are placed at the base of the seal, representing the heritage of health sciences education and the tradition of healing.

Student Success Symbol
Student Success

The torch represents education and research. The light of the torch is the focal point of the seal just as students are the focus of Augusta University. The rays emanating from the torch signify the power of healing and the life-saving and life-changing educational opportunities students experience at Augusta University.

Community Symbol

As a tree’s health is evident in the vibrancy of its leaves, the community thrives when Augusta University shines. The oak leaves are a nod to the original arsenal oak and its descendent on the Summerville Campus.

Stewardship Symbol

The date (1828) is the official date of the founding of Augusta University. Since its inception, the university has been dedicated to improving lives, and we celebrate our founding year as we do our people to foster a culture of giving.

Strategic Priority


At Augusta University, a commitment to effective teaching and engaged learning is our long-held mission, supported with an openness to ever-changing methods, fresh courses, modern facilities, evolving degree programs and innovative collaborations — plus hands-on, real-world, whole-hearted instruction that expands impact and access and creates an educational experience like no other.

Distinguishing Objectives
Forward-Looking Education

Whether it’s the array of programs we offer or the diverse modalities in which we offer them, Augusta University is committed to an educational experience that fulfills the dynamic needs of our students and the communities they represent. We will leverage our strengths as the state of Georgia’s health, sciences and medical university to create transformative education where every student who earns an Augusta University credential is ready to demonstrate both the competencies universal to all professions and the skills unique to their chosen disciplines.

Impactful Learning Experiences

Preparing students means fostering practices of learning and teaching that complement and extend current instructional practices. We are committed to providing high-impact learning experiences that support students’ aspirations. We will cultivate connections across our many communities to create both curricular and co-curricular opportunities to engage students at all levels – and in all years of their educational journey – to develop the essential skills vital to success during their time at AU and in their post-graduation endeavors.

Inclusive Instructional Culture

Our institutional values of collegiality, compassion, excellence, inclusivity, integrity and leadership anchor and embolden our teaching mission. Our responsibility is to prepare students for life as responsive contributors to society. We are committed to fostering students’ sense of belonging and engagement, and we support their aptitude for collaboration with individuals across diverse backgrounds.

Strategic Actions
Imbue High-Impact Practices Throughout the Learning Experience

Those students most vulnerable to attrition will experience learning opportunities that are engaging, instructive and diverse through a centralized, more formalized High-Impact Practices Program in which students participate in HIPs during their first and second years. Throughout their educational journey, consolidated coordination of beyond-the-classroom experiences will secure student engagement throughout the learning experience, especially when away from campus. By cultivating connections in the community – rural, suburban and urban, domestic and international – we will produce culturally responsive students poised to work in a variety of settings. In particular, we will extend the range and type of internships so that learning in the summer, in context, becomes a predictable part of the journey.

Eradicate the Notion of "Traditional"

As a health sciences university, we’ve long understood that a “classroom” is only rarely a room with tables, chairs and a lectern. More inclusively, we believe a classroom is a physical and intellectual space where teaching and learning occur. Whether in a lab, at a health clinic, in an athletic competition, in an art studio, at an accounting firm, at a national park or even in a student’s living room, our instruction supports faculty and students through innovative, engaging and responsive instructional modalities. This commitment includes launching Augusta University Online to grow online instructional delivery and expand learning modalities to make learning and instruction accessible to faculty and students from diverse backgrounds and with varied needs. It will also mean building an expanded and responsive on-campus course scheduling culture that supports student learning and faculty teaching and research by reducing limitations and administrative burdens that might discourage innovation.

Offer Programs to Educate Georgia’s Next Leaders

Through intentional and established academic planning, we will grow our number of programs and transform existing educational programming to meet the needs of students, employers and the communities we serve. We will leverage our strength as a health sciences university to connect the undergraduate experiences from all content areas to health sciences professional and graduate programs. We’ll support students’ professional aspirations through the inclusion of stackable credentials.

Cultivate and Incentivize Teaching Innovation

Fostering a culture of innovative, engaged and inclusive teaching is dependent upon new expectations of faculty and staff. Expanding on the successful development opportunities we’ve offered during the pandemic, we will establish and grow programming to meet the needs of faculty and staff with an emphasis on innovative teaching strategies that support student, faculty and staff retention. We will provide instructional support for faculty so that teaching and a sense of belonging are simultaneously supported and celebrated. We will develop an instructional feedback culture where student input informs faculty understanding and where students recognize their responsibility for a successful classroom experience.

Strategic Priority


At Augusta University, research takes prominence by taking place everywhere and among everyone: in wet labs and archives, with senior investigators and sophomore classes, in our health care facilities and our community. Our research works to expand knowledge, express ideas, enhance teaching, cure cancer, prevent cyberattacks and more.

Distinguishing Objectives
Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Discovery

We will leverage our distinctiveness by establishing ourselves as a hub for collaborative and interdisciplinary research within Augusta University and across the region. We will undertake innovative initiatives to recruit, retain and develop researchers. We will also pursue our goal of being in the top 60 NIH-funded medical schools by 2030 as part of our efforts to increase research funding across all disciplines.

Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurialism

Realizing our research aspirations means extending our already strong legacy of health care and biomedical research and increasing the productivity of research, scholarship and creativity across our diverse disciplines. Yet, we won’t be satisfied with just more – our institutional value of excellence will be exemplified in the quality and impact of our discovery output. We are committed to infusing a culture of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurialism throughout all of our colleges and schools.

Infrastructure for Discovery Excellence

We recognize that discovery is borne from inspiration, which itself yields from an institutional environment that inspires. We will reduce the physical limitations and administrative burdens that distract researchers from the creative process that leads to discovery. Exceptional spaces, cutting-edge resources and supportive processes that minimize burdensome distractions from the conduct of discovery are critical to our aspirational journey.

Strategic Actions
Accelerate Students' Connection to Research and Creativity

As a comprehensive research university, we have a distinct opportunity to infuse research throughout the curriculum at all educational levels. Our educational mission and research mission are indelibly linked – whether it’s connecting a biology student to an NIH-funded investigator to advise their undergraduate research, or connecting a cohort of MPA students to a municipal agency to conduct a research study of its community members. We are committed to creating more opportunities for students to develop the essential skills that yield from the conduct of research – and which ultimately enhance the pipelines from undergraduate to graduate research programs.

Promote a Collaborative and Inclusive Culture of Innovation

Our core value of collegiality is exemplified in our pursuit of interdisciplinary research, and we embrace collaboration among scholars for life-changing, life-saving discovery. We are committed to promoting this culture through recruitment – and then retention – of high-caliber scholars through supportive initiatives and competitive compensation. We will incentivize collaboration among researchers by aligning expectations for interdisciplinary and collaborative research with opportunities for career advancement. We will create a culture of engagement with and among researchers, research administrators, staff and members of the community to collectively explore new opportunities for advancing our research aspirations and celebrating our research achievements. And we will invest in growing and shaping a support system to accommodate higher research productivity, faculty conceived initiatives and collaboration.

Advance Our External Partnerships

Collaborative and inclusive culture of discovery extends beyond the university and its students, faculty and staff. Furthering our research mission – and leveraging our position as Georgia’s only public, comprehensive health sciences university – means the pursuit of discovery in concert with partners across our disciplines at the local, statewide, national and international levels. Most vital is continuing to fortify the connection between AU’s research corps and our health care partners to advance biomedical and health care discovery, as well as research in areas such as business and the social sciences. We will also expand on our educational, corporate, non-profit and government partnerships – such as with our University System peers, Fort Gordon, tenants in the Georgia Cyber Center, local arts agencies and other creative visionaries – to advance discovery that enhances and expands the missions of our partners.

Facilitate an Innovation Environment

As we move closer toward our discovery aspirations, the need will grow for enhanced infrastructure to accommodate research, scholarship and creative initiatives across a comprehensive set of disciplines. We are committed to creating a physical environment that is modernized, flexible and conducive to specialized and collaborative discovery – particularly to enhance opportunities for clinical and translational research. We will promote innovation and entrepreneurialism by creating new and expanding existing incubators, and we’ll enhance the technology infrastructure to create better access to clinical data and improved software interfaces.

Strategic Priority

Student Success

At Augusta University, we are committed to ambitious enrollment growth and dedicated to channeling unprecedented resources, resolve, programming and processes into the extraordinary growth of each of our students: intellectually and culturally, critically and creatively, professionally and personally, individually and relationally.

Distinguishing Objectives
Educational Access and Value

Augusta University is passionate about providing a personalized, high-quality academic and co-curricular student experience to propel our students toward their academic and professional aspirations. We are committed to enhancing all students’ access to the enveloping value of a life-changing, life-saving Augusta University education by ensuring affordability and financial support.

Student-Centered Environment

Providing students with a supportive and productive environment is critical to their success and engagement and integral to the promotion of Augusta University’s values. We will design student-centered environments that reflect a first-choice research university that provides a small-scale college experience.

Personalized Student Connections

At Augusta University, each student matters. To honor our students’ distinct experiences and the unique ambitions that led them to our campuses, we will create a distinctive student experience that fosters belonging and engagement with Augusta University and the greater Augusta area and that integrates personalized student connections and unique experiential learning opportunities.

Strategic Actions
Increase Students’ Access to an AU Education

As a public research university, we have a societal responsibility to promote access to higher education for Georgia’s traditional and non-traditional students. To cultivate a more diverse community of students and to leverage our distinctive mission and location, we will implement strategies to increase educational access, such as creating pipeline programs for health professions, enhancing student scholarship programming, expanding enrollment of military-affiliated students, integrating the undergraduate and graduate student populations and launching Augusta University Online. Additionally, we recognize that the barriers to educational access are often financial. We are committed to expanding opportunities for student scholarships, employment and other financial support throughout students’ enrollment.

Support the Whole Student

Nurturing our students’ ambitions and wellbeing is key to their educational success. We are committed to high-quality, interdisciplinary student and academic support, including individualized advisement and mentorship for all students to address diverse student needs. We will promote all students’ engagement in experiential learning as part of their AU experience and incorporate community engagement and social innovation/entrepreneurship resources into curricular and co-curricular programming. We will support students’ mental health, wellness competency and financial literacy skills that position them for lifelong personal and professional success.

Provide Students a Life-Changing University Experience

At Augusta University, we believe education occurs as much in the residence halls, the student center and even in a downtown Augusta restaurant as it does in our classrooms, labs and studios. We are committed to creating an environment in which students can interact, socialize and build a genuine relationship with an understanding of and appreciation for people of many backgrounds and belief systems. We will cultivate this environment by creating structures, core services and spaces that enhance enrichment, enjoyment and accessibility to provide an engaging campus life. Planned efforts include expanding the Campus Recreation facility, intramural and club sports fields; constructing a student engagement building to accommodate growing student enrollment and evolving student needs; and designing facilities to promote cultures of inclusion, engagement and wellness for all students.

Implement Strategic Enrollment Management

As the environment in which we educate and support our students evolves, we must be equipped to foresee opportunities and threats to achieving our enrollment ambitions and to quickly implement adaptive, data-informed strategies for continuing our 16x30 pursuit. We are committed to strengthening and expanding our business intelligence related to student enrollment and success to inform student-centered decision-making. We will also foster collaboration across our business units to implement student-centered processes and policies to ensure the integration of all systems and procedures across the student life cycle.

This directly aligns with the recruitment and retention actions outlined in the strategic enrollment management plan.

Strategic Priority


At Augusta University, we strive to foster community on our campus and far beyond, cultivating a new town/gown dynamic that eclipses expectations; fuels both university and community growth; and generates reciprocity, respect, trust, opportunity and authentic goodwill across our campuses, our city, our region and our state.

Distinguishing Objectives
A Campus Experience Like No Other

Since 1828, Augusta University has been improving the quality of life and wellbeing for the citizens of the greater Augusta community. Members of the community engage with our students, faculty and staff in our health care settings; at theatrical performances, art exhibits and athletics events; and in recreational areas, such as the History Walk on the Summerville Campus. Achieving our aspirations is only possible through active engagement with partners who see us as an extension of the community. We are committed to inspiring collaborative community partnerships by highlighting the AU story and opening the doors to our campuses.

Jaguar Town Dynamic

As one of the region’s largest employers and its only comprehensive research university, Augusta University’s success and growth is undeniably tied to the success and growth of the greater Augusta region. Just as we want members of the local community to enjoy a welcoming experience on our campuses, we also recognize that the engagement and wellbeing of our students, faculty and staff can be enriched by the greater community environment. We will create a culture of excitement and belonging for Augusta University that fuels community connections and collaboration to mutually benefit the university and the local community.

Educator and Partner of Choice

With education, research and outreach provided by our students, faculty and staff throughout the state, Georgia truly is our campus. And now, with an emerging presence throughout the southeastern region and abroad, AU’s impact is poised to become more global than ever. Through strategic and mission-centered collaboration with local, national and international health care, cyber and educational partners, Augusta University will become the educational leader and partner of choice for innovative community collaborations that advance the institution, the partnering organization and the communities we serve.

Strategic Actions
Promote A College-Town Feel

Augusta University is the community. Partnerships with community organizations, businesses and government will cultivate a community dynamic that is welcoming to prospective and current students, faculty and staff new to the greater Augusta area. We will create a culture in the greater Augusta area where residents are excited about and participate in AU Athletics' activities and AU Day within the community. And we will prioritize, recognize and reward community-engagement endeavors and practices, providing professional development resources for faculty, staff and students.

Enhance the Community’s AU Campus Experience

We will achieve this action by instituting a community concierge service to increase accessibility to AU for the greater Augusta area and beyond, as well as through infrastructure and parking enhancements to improve community members’ experiences on our physical campus.

Strengthen Community Stakeholders’ Connection to AU

We will achieve this by creating a centralized AU community stakeholders repository that is accessible across institutional units. We will enhance communication with community stakeholders to include brand recognition, impact reporting and celebration of alumni-owned, local, small and minority-owned businesses.

Nurture Engagement of All Members of the AU Community

The AU community will be reflective of our diverse student population and local/regional population. We will provide excellence through faculty and staff representation and the development and creation of representative affinity groups. We will be intentional about creating a campus community in which every member of our workforce knows their value and appreciates their role in the AU family. We will enhance the broader representation of our alumni and community in Alumni Board engagement and programming. And we will develop new and enhance existing Community Advisory Boards, to include a research advisory board, with diverse representation to foster collaborative community partnerships and input. Finally, we will be mindful of the expansion of our physical footprint in surrounding areas, cultivating collaboration and community success.

Positively Impact Georgia’s Citizens Through Strategic, Mutually Beneficial Partnerships

We will create new and expand existing partnerships throughout the greater Augusta area and beyond. This will entail developing existing partnerships with local school boards and colleges to increase enrollment and fulfill workforce needs. We will also leverage the new Augusta University Online to enhance our continuing education programs, fulfill community needs in the local area and abroad and strengthen our partnership with Fort Gordon to develop academic programming to meet the needs of active and retired service members and their families. Finally, we will revitalize, serve and create mutually beneficial solutions for the community and region through enhanced involvement in the HUB for Community Innovation and a community summit hosted by Augusta University. We will achieve this by capitalizing on our role as the state’s only public health sciences university to position AU as an invested, actively engaged cooperative partner in meeting the public health needs of its surrounding communities. We will also leverage the region’s growing reputation as a locus of cybersecurity to expand cyber-related collaborations to rural health care clinics as well as rural city/county governments throughout the state of Georgia and surrounding communities.

Strategic Priority


Augusta University is determined to build a culture of greater philanthropy and financial sustainability. More importantly, we are dedicated to building authentic relationships with alumni from all eras; benefactors from across the city, the state and the region; and career contributors who are working, building and giving right here on our campus.

Distinguishing Objectives
Philanthropic Investment of Choice

As a worthy philanthropic priority that changes and saves lives, Augusta University will secure new and transformative giving by an enhanced focus on national and Atlanta-based benefactors and by growing our valued relationships throughout Georgia. We are committed to powerful pipeline programs designed to increase future philanthropy and advance our learning, discovery, student success and community priorities.

Culture of Fiscal Wellness

Augusta University is committed to building a culture of fiscal wellness, stability and accountability. We recognize that measured and strategic stewardship of our financial resources necessitates investment in our programs, people and infrastructure. We will engage members of the university community to foster a culture of shared governance and a sense of accountability for fiscal stewardship at all levels of the university.

People Conscious

Realizing our aspirations depends on a strong corps of faculty and staff. It begins with recruitment and retention efforts to expand our pool of top, diverse talent and is sustained through intentional efforts to develop and promote employees. We will implement strategies and align investments to offer competitive compensation and leadership and professional development to support career advancement.

Strategic Actions
Reduce Students’ Financial Barriers to Educational Success

Achievement of our 16x30 aspiration is contingent on our ability to attract and retain high-performing, deserving students who have wide-ranging access to financial resources. To support enrollment growth, we will expand the number and amount of endowed scholarships across all of our disciplines and athletic programs and foster access to higher education for students representing diverse backgrounds and experiences.

Increase Research Support

Reaching a top 60 NIH ranking by 2030 requires boosting philanthropic efforts to increase the number of endowed chairs and overall support of research projects.

Promote Giving Across the Full Breadth of AU Stakeholders

With rapid growth occurring within the city of Augusta and emerging national and international initiatives here at Augusta University, the university community is expansive and limitless. To facilitate increased collaboration and communication with our giving partners, we will invest in resources to strengthen bonds with and illuminate philanthropic opportunities to current and prospective donors – from students to retirees to members of our foundation boards. We will create a culture of giving at the university and increase opportunities for alumni to be more actively engaged in advancing university priorities and interacting with one another through affinity groups and programs based on shared identities and interests.

Invest in Our People

Talented faculty and staff continue to be our greatest asset in providing an impactful university experience. We will invest resources to offer competitive compensation and leadership and professional development opportunities and further streamline career pathways for advancement at the university.

Leverage Operational Efficiencies

We will create efficiencies that promote financial stewardship and minimize administrative burden while maintaining the quality, integrity and effectiveness of the support services, physical infrastructure and information technology that are vital to achieving our strategic priorities. We will maximize the capabilities of our information technology and cybersecurity systems to enhance flexible work opportunities for faculty and staff.

Measures and Milestones of Success

At Augusta University, we believe in advancing our mission and pursuing our vision through the guidance of our strategic plan. Implementation and assessment are important parts of the strategic planning process. The university is committed to monitoring performance towards achieving its aspirational imperatives. Augusta University demonstrates this commitment through the development of an annual progress report and ongoing review of key performance indicators to monitor progress and celebrate milestones of success. These assessment tools also support a data-informed approach to implementing the strategic plan and reaching our aspirational imperatives.

Please access the 2024 Progress Report.

You can view the 2023 progress report and video.

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Stacked Seal